Energy Distance Healing

A distance Reiki session has all the same benefits of a Reiki healing treatment to calm, rebalance and re-energise your body, spirit and mind. Supported with intuitive guidance to help you to listen to the messages from your body, for your continued well-being and peace of mind – which you can enjoy from the comfort of your own home.

Whether a healer uses Reiki – or any other natural energy healing – the most important element is the intention.  When a healer comes from a place of unconditional love, that intention is loaded with pure goodness, and it goes to the recipient with great affect.

My role is to hold a loving, high vibrational field for my client, to encourage their body to heal itself. All healing is ‘self-healing’ but I am there to help you along your healing pathway.

Our bodies have a natural intelligence and wisdom to do the necessary healing. Unfortunately, we are sometimes too busy to hear the messages that our body is trying to give us for our general well-being, and it then finds other ways to make us stop and listen.  This can range from us feeling ‘out of sorts’ or very unwell. By ‘tuning’ into this inherent wisdom, we are able to hear the messages for our highest good.

How it works?

  • We arrange a time and date for your appointment in advance.

  • I will phone you at the time of the appointment to discuss how you are feeling and what you would like me to focus on during your distance healing session.

  • We finish the call and you then get comfortable (somewhere that you won’t be disturbed). This can either be lying down on your bed, or in an armchair – whatever works for you?

  • You don’t need to do anything else except rest back and be open to receiving the healing coming your way.  (Some clients like to play soft music, light a candle and have their crystals nearby).  

  • I will then set the intention for your distance healing and get to work.

  • The healing session takes about 30 to 40 minutes, and during this time, I will be working over your whole body (imagining you lying in front of me as if we were in the same room together).

  • I work closely with my Spirit Guides and Angels to help me with this process and I generally receive intuitive guidance for you during this time too.

At the end of the session, I can phone you back to give you my findings, or *you have the choice for me to send you over my results by email. Either way, I will email you the report so that you have it to refer back to later. *(Some clients fall asleep during their treatment so prefer for me not to wake them with a call!)



60 Minute Session

This includes consultation, treatment and intuitive guidance.


I feel like I could take on the world!

I have been feeling ‘stuck’ is the only way I can describe it and needed some help/guidance on moving forward. Liza messaged me 10 minutes before to remind me to get myself ready. She then called me for a quick chat to ‘set the scene’ and explain what she was going to do her end and that I needed to just relax.

I got myself comfortable and OMG as soon as I closed my eyes I felt the energy in the room change! I completely relaxed and I obviously fell into a deep sleep - I didn’t move and woke up an hour later! I felt light and lifted - my head felt clear and I had a spring in my step.

Liza’s feedback was unbelievable - every word was true and has made me step back and look at the bigger picture.

I am now ready to move forward and feel like I could ‘take on the world’.

Thank you so much Liza. I cannot sing your praises highly enough. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

— A.A.

Left me feeling intensely relaxed

“I’ve had several treatments from Liza in the past and all have been so amazing.

Due to the government restrictions, I’ve not been able to see Liza in person which has been sad but it’s given me the opportunity to experience a different treatment with her.

I’ve just had a baby and having hospital induced severe PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) has been difficult. In the week leading up to my due date, Liza carried out some Distance Reiki sessions with me. These left me feeling intensely relaxed, calm and positive. Even though this therapy is done over distance, please don’t dismiss it or think it’s any less effective than hands on therapy. It really is amazing and I’d highly recommend it to anyone feeling anxious, scared, in pain or just for a treat. Very highly recommended.”

— A.W.